Sunday, February 5, 2017

Welcome to Homespun Essentials

Welcome to our little home on the web where you can information on how to keep your home looking and smelling it's best while keeping you sane!

When Paul and I decided to start a business, we didn't do so without much thought and planning.

This business officially began in October 2016 on Facebook and it's been in the building and planning stages since then.

We have gone back and forth about what kind of a business we wanted to run, who would be in charge of what, would we sell physical products or just monetize a website?

In the end, we decided to do a little of both.  I'll be monetizing the site (this is my way to help supplement Paul's full-time day-job) as well as selling some of the things I make for our home.

Some of the things you'll find while visiting us here is a link to our Shop where you can find some of the homemade goodies I "cook up" in the Homespun Kitchen, tips and tricks for cleaning, organizing, recipes, budgeting, frugal living and living the good life without breaking the bank.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea or even a glass of wine and enjoy your time here with us!

Paul and Dawn Lyons
Owners of Homespun Essentials
February 2017